The Contact Form module inserts a contact form directly into a row. The width of the form fills the width of the column.
This is a very basic contact form, with Name, Subject, Email, Phone, and Messagefields. There’s also a Terms and Conditionscheckbox that lets you add a set of terms (or anything else) and customize the label for a checkbox that appears just before the Send button, as in the following example.
By default, the Name and Email fields are displayed, and the Subject and Phone fields and the Terms checkbox are hidden. Any fields that are displayed are required.
Email notifications are automatically sent upon form submission. If the Subject field is displayed in the form, the email subject line displays the text that is entered into that field. If the Subject field is hidden in the form, you can add a custom email subject line. If you don’t specify a custom subject, the default email subject line is Contact Form Submission.
You can choose whether the person who submits the form gets a confirmation on screen, and if so, whether clicking the button sends that person to another URL or displays the confirmation message in place of the form. You can also style the button label (the default label is Send), add a button icon, change the button color, and so on.